Sunday, September 9, 2012

Movie Review: Chronicle (2012)

Chronicle is about three teens who venture into a cave and accidentally discover super powers. The main actors, Dan Deehan, Alex Russel, and Michael B. Jordan, all young and not famous, were perfect for their roles. This is a found footage film, so all the scenes are shot with the main character's camera or different security cameras. The movie didn't exactly need this feature, and it kind of slowed it down. I liked how the personalities of the boys changed so drastically during the movie, until they were completely different people.  It is the perfect example that power equals corruption. It was overall a very good movie, and the bond between the three main characters was particularly interesting. The climax was exciting. The ending was nice, too. But the movie is somewhat misleading, as the first half is mostly light and fun, while the last half is pretty dark. I recommend this movie.
Final Grade: 8/10

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